Saturday's are Cooper's favorite day of the week because we get to spend the whole day with our daddy. We call it "all day daddy day!" We had an awesome day today. We went to My Gym and the zoo this morning and then spent the afternoon outside. It was absolutely beautiful. They are building a new subdivison down the street from our house so we rode the 4-wheeler down there and played by the lake. This is a picture of the view from our dream lot. Unfortunately, we don't have an extra 3/4 million dollars sitting around so for now we just dream.

What a view.....

but not as beautiful as this view.

Cooper's helping with the grading.

Do as I say, not as I do.

Watch how far I can throw this rock.
Look at that form.

I bet you didn't know I had 2 kids.
Such a super fun day, with our super fun daddy.
That sure looks like fun. It is amazing to see just how much Cooper has changed. Kinda of sad though.
He is all boy, just like his daddy.
I sure appreciate having this so I can see what he is doing how much he is growing. He looks much older than he is.
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